Chapter 22
In what way(s) do you see the historical developments described in this chapter continuing to evolve in our world today?
* Fall of Old World Concepts - Colonialism
During the early 1900s, nations that were colonies began to see themselves as emerging powers. Regardless of the size of that power, a change of government was beginning to be called by the people, for the people. From the Haitian revolution that started the fight for separation until this point, governed lands wanted to begin there own paths.
* Independence & Protests
The voice of the people began to b louder and louder. To a point that protesting took to the streets, to the capitol buildings, and to the global news. Living in the shadow of a former Conquerer was no longer a must-do, but a choice. Education took center stage and the more that people learned of what potential power they have, the stronger the need to not live in someone else's shadow grew. Growth and knowledge of one's own country began to fuel new ideas, protesting, and revolution. Countries now knew their own self-worth. Globalization with economies was growing daily and the need to become an individual was stronger yet.
* New Alliances
New nations and borders began to emerge, distinction from one another became clearer as every day passed. COuntries divided into viewpoints but some realized that economics would still allow them to work with one another while still maintaining individualism. Smaller nations also realized that working in groups with same mindset brought economic strength in numbers. Harvesting of one's own resources and providing commerce further divided the global map as we knew it at that time.
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