Sunday, August 9, 2020

Chapter 13

The experience of empire for conquered peoples was broadly similar whoever the rulers were. Does the material in this chapter support or challenge this idea?

I believe that conquering empires shared similar methods of assimilating new lands and people. This chapter regardless of geography had the same intention. Conquerers did not intentionally bring biological warfare with the intent of wiping out the natives, that was a natural phenomenon. What they all shared was the merging and establishing a hierarchy in the new members of the civilization and executing a taxation and commerce control in the area. 

The mergeance of cultures is where there are variances but with the same intent, trade control, taxation civil obedience. Some empires were mimicking the old world and others took ad new approach in merging cultures into new civilizations but with either method, the overall intent stayed the same, conquer, exploit and control shared among all members of these new developing societies.

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