Sunday, August 9, 2020

 Chapter 20

Some of the disasters that befell Europe in the first half of the century were border shifting of countries (mobilization to flee the wars), slow-paced drawn-out warfare, industrial weapons arms race, and massive loss of life in the millions from multiple countries in a short period of time (a few years). Nations were so used to being neighbors that when war came, the general idea was heart-wrenching to be killing neighbors and even your own people for their political views and choices. A change in gender responsibilities fell on women, having to not only take care of the home, children but also become the backbone of industries to build and provide support to the millions of men at war. Trust was destroyed among nations and people, isolation and fear took over and complete shutdown of communication between individuals in case information can be used against each other.

What were the causes of World War I? - Quora

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