Sunday, June 7, 2020

Big Picture - Ch 4

How would you define the appeal of religious/cultural traditions discussed in this chapter?

To what groups were they attractive, and why?

The beginning workings of reason and human awareness is how I see chapter 4. As noted in our textbook, "An iron-age technology... made possible more productive economies and more deadly warfare." This was the baseline for the second-wave era to rise from. 

Money, expansion, trade, both of new states growing to massive sizes and becoming new civilizations which in turn grow into empires. EMPIRE is the word that best describes this chapter. As this new concept and model of Imperial rule spans the globe, their subjects are learning how to organize and control such mass congregations with order. New traditions and rules need to be created to support this new skyscraper of ideas and development.

Life was simpler when there we just a few individuals, even a few thousand, but when you are speaking of expanses that engulf entire continents, well, then rules must be put in place to keep things from being chaotic. China showed signs of trying to maintain order with strict rules, too much maybe. Roman had expanded from Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Britain, might that be too big, maybe. While all of these nations expanded trade routes, economics, and population, greater questions were beginning to emerge in the masses, is there a higher power? How can we keep order? Is religion the way to do so? or is governmental control the only choice?

Rome had one of the great ideas of incorporating religion into their acts. Meaning that they would do things in the name of. and they would worship gods that encouraged these acts. People would mass to their teachings while growing as a nation in one unified voice. Rules are one thing but when passion and faith are added, they become a power that the world has not seen before.

The world has new and fresh ideas, exploring all of them will be the fate of this age. Some will not make it and others will prevail. Which quest for order would you choose? Government or Religion

Decimation - A 'pragmatically' vicious Roman military punishment

The Birth of Augustus' Roman Empire | History Hit

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