Sunday, May 24, 2020

I was Disappointed to read that...

humans evolved from a Hunter Gather life thousands of years ago to grow to invent electricity and space flight whilst having less and less leisure time. The sections on Economy and the Environment discusses how Materialism has consumed our societies and caused us to work ourselves to not having enough leisure time. You mean, tens of thousands of years ago, they had more PTO!

It is ironic to think that once you have the basic living items completed, time for a break. We, today have the somehow even squeeze our two-15 minute breaks into our busy days. Yes, we have "more things", we are walking upright, and that we have the science to possibly extend our life!  And for what! To work even more and have less downtime. 

Social Media, our mentors, our society tells us to strive and somehow invent or find a way to freedom from our jobs, to be successful to a point of financial freedom. Knowing this fact on materialism, it seems to me that the hourglass of time has just been turned upside down. The smarter we become, the less time we have to live within all of these accomplishments isn't' that ironic.

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